Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spaghetti with Broccoli Cream Pesto

So here at Girl Eats World, we are going to start getting a little healthier....  The past 9 months (can you believe it's been that long?!) has been filled with mostly sweets, and so one of the goals for 2013 is to limit the sweets to only 2 recipes per month.  I have many, many other aspirations for this year, but more to come on Friday!

The hubby and I love broccoli; it's one of our favorites.  So when I saw smitten kitchen posting a recipe for spaghetti with broccoli cream pesto, I knew that I had to try it.  Not only is it easy, but it is delicious and nutritous too!

{Spaghetti with Broccoli Cream Pesto}

This recipe is gluten-free (if made with gluten-free pasta) and kid friendly (if they love broccoli of course).  I stepped away from the stove for too long (I know...) so my broccoli got too soft and was more of a mash, but still delicious!  As always, this recipe originally was vegetarian so I added chicken for my hubby.  He ate the leftovers which he rarely does so he must have loved it!

{Broccoli getting ready to steam}

{Broccoli mash}

{Dish bonus--use the same pot you steamed broccoli in to cook the pasta!}

{Sauting chicken, onions, and garlic}

{Making the sauce}

{Adding delicious parmesan!}

Spaghetti with Broccoli Cream Pesto

Serves 4


2 pounds broccoli florets
1/2 pound of dried pasta
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound chicken, cut into bite-size pieces
1/4 teaspoon chili flakes
4 tablespoons heavy cream
1 cup parmesan cheese
  1. Steam broccoli until just tender.
  2. Drain broccoli and put into a food processor (be careful--it will be hot!)
  3. Turn on food processor and cut broccoli up until it is small but not pureed.
  4. Meanwhile, heat water up for the pasta and cook pasta until al dente.
  5. Heat oil and butter together; add chicken, onion, and garlic and cook through.
  6. Add broccoli, chili flakes, and heavy cream and stir to combine. Let cook for 2 minutes.
  7. Add cheese and stir until combined.
  8. Drain pasta.
  9. Mix pasta and pesto together and serve with more cheese on top if desired.
Bonus: you could definitely make a large batch and freeze a portion to make a quick dinner one night!

How are you going to start off the New Year?

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