Friday, April 19, 2013

Food for Thought: The Spring/Summer List

With my illness last week, spring kinda SPRUNG up on me.  I mean--you lay on a couch for 4 days, sleeping, hacking your organs up, and then you wake up to trees budding and flowers blooming.  No worries--I'm still enjoying the spring with the last few days feeling like summer.  My favorite trees are the ones with colored buds like pink, white, burgundy, and purple!!!  Plus spring heralds in a new tradition that I personally started last year--The Spring/Summer List.

I am the queen of lists!!!  At any given time I have at least three going--not including work lists.  Sometimes, if I have lots going on, I'll make a list entitled "on my mind" and just let go--write the thoughts down and move on.  Afterwards, I take a break and then go over the list separating them by importance, control, etc.  This process just helps me de-stress and re-evaluate.

Anyway--on to the fun Spring/Summer List for 2013!!!  I try to do things that I haven't done before or in a long time.

Spring/Summer List 2013
  1. Visit McConnell Springs (one of the last parks in Lexington that I haven't visited)
  2. Visit Cincinnati Zoo
  3. Go on the Zip Line tour of Red River Gorge
  4. Prefect a frozen yogurt recipe (last year's was a definite fail)
  5. Plan a few themed parties (a few ideas--Mexican, ice cream bar, tropical, French...)
  6. Day trip somewhere (I've always wanted to see the covered bridges in Fleming County...)
  7. Visit one of the many wineries around Lexington
  8. Visit the park and picnic where my husband and I had our first date
  9. Perfect homemade lemonade
  10. Go stargazing--telescopes and all--at the local parks who offer it (been trying to get to one of these for years...)
  11. Have a spongeball fight!
  12. Light dandelion heads on fire (the puffy looking ones--apparently it's supposed to burn really pretty)
  13. Make a few fruity frozen desserts (popsicles, sorbert, ice cream, etc)
I think that's a pretty decent list!  According to the Farmer's Almanac, July and August are going to be brutally hot so frozen desserts will be made and tested then!

What about you?  Do you have any plans for the spring/summer?  Do you make a list of fun activities for the season?

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