Monday, April 8, 2013

Fruit Baked Oatmeal

For Easter, my family planned a brunch which I playfully named Bunny Brunch (I stole it from Pinterest--my addiction!).  I brought decor and wrote out the menu.

{How CUTE is that straw bunny?!  A staple in my house now!}

Really funny story--My grandma, mom, and I were planning the menu a few weeks before Easter.  This recipe is one I have wanted to try for a while, but my husband and I aren't big oatmeal fans so I figured making it for a brunch would be a fantastic idea.  I made it, and when I tried it, I loved it!  Every bite had fruit, and the oatmeal wasn't too sweet or runny--just perfect because I doubled the fruit (always best!).  I asked everyone how they liked it, and virtually everyone said they really didn't like oatmeal, but what I made was EXCELLENT!  LOL  I just thought it was ironic.

{Fruit baked oatmeal}

{Mixing the dry ingredients together}

{Now mixing the wet ingredients together--minus the fruit}

{Adding the wet to the dry ingredients}

{I used peaches that my grandma canned last year}

{I also used some blackberries that my father-in-law picked for me last year}

{Baked yummy delicious goodness!!!}

Fruit Baked Oatmeal

Serves 8

3 cups old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 egg whites
1 egg
1 1/4 cup water or milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cans sliced peaches, drained
2 cups berries (any kind)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
  3. Mix wet ingredients together in a separate bowl enough to scramble the eggs.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.
  5. Add fruit and mix well.
  6. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  7. Coat a 9x13 casserole dish with cooking spray and pour oatmeal mixture into pan.
  8. Top with walnuts.
  9. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until top is lightly browned.
  10. Serve with additional milk or yogurt.
I changed just a few things--mainly I used water instead of milk because my mom is lactose-intolerant.  I also doubled the fruit because it needed to be used, and really--who in their right mind would say "That's too much fruit!"?  Exactly!!!

This oatmeal recipe is very versatile--use whatever fruits you want!  A pear-cranberry would be good with some cinnamon added or a peach-strawberry!  Go crazy!!!

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