Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Tip: How to Cut Up a Pineapple

I LOVE FRESH PINEAPPLE!!!  What else can I say?  I can mention that I could probably eat my weight in pineapple (not to mention the hubby too!).  Or that my loving co-workers brought me a HUGE container of cut up fresh pineapple when I was in the hospital recovering from surgery (don't worry--that was YEARS ago!).  I sing the Pina Colada song a bunch and eat pineapples--why?  Because I am silly!  (Which I might be listening to as I write this post...)

Have you ever seen fresh, whole pineapple?  It looks intimidating!  (or is that just me?)  Have you wanted to get it when it's on sale (whole), but didn't know how to cut it up?  Me too!  But after culinary school and working in the restaurant industry for several years, I have learned the technique and am here to share it with you!  The following is a step-by-step picture guide on how to peel and core a pineapple.  How you cut it from there (cubes or slices) is up to you!

{Pineapples will intimidate no more!}

{Supplies: a large cutting board and large chef knife}

{Step 1: cut off the top}

{Step 2: cut off the bottom}

{You need flat surfaces to stablize the pineapple while you "peel" it}

{Step 3: cut the outer peel off by cutting approximately 1/4 inch into the fruit.}

{Cutting a pineapple is not perfect, but the results are delicious!}

{Step 4: continue step 3 until the entire pineapple is "peeled"}

{Step 5: cut the pineapple in half}

{Step 6: cut the pineapple in hald again (or in quarters)}

{Step 7: cut the inner "point" off the pineapple.  This is the core and is very hard}

{Step 8: lay the pineapple on the flattest side and cut to desired size}

{Step 9: enjoy fresh pineapple!}

{If you want to use pineapple as a garnish, just skip the "peeling" and cut into quarters.  If using on a glass, cut a small slit through the core part of the pineapple}


As always--practice makes perfect.  Please be careful when using knives and other sharp objects. 

WARNINGS:  You might not be able to resist eating some while cutting it up or singing the Pina Colada song! 

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