Friday, December 27, 2013

Food for Thought

I had an epiphany the other day to buy those space saver bags (you know--the ones you vacuum out the air) to put all of our big comforters and extra pillows in to save space in our closet.  It went downhill from there because now I have empty closet space.... Which led me to getting "the itch".  My itch?  Pulling everything out of the closets, shelves, nooks, etc and reorganizing, rearranging, and getting rid of items that we do not use/wear/need/want.  Then I deep clean those spaces.  I have informed Ben, and he's already rolling his eyes.

It's almost a new year, so that's a great time to do it!  Right?  So this weekend will be spent at home scratching my itch with plenty of food, music and fun!

{Barrels being cleared out of the warehouse at Woodford Reserve}

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

~John Rohn

Have a great weekend!

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