Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Christmas Cookie Recap

I know that we all have our specific traditions every year.  My family makes the following cookie recipes every year, and I look forward to it!  So maybe this isn't a tip exactly, but some people don't have a cookie-making tradition!  So I am sharing our cookie recipes! 

The hazelnut cookies are so easy to make which is perfect for the non-bakers.  The gingerbread are a bit more involved since they are made from scratch, but nothing a only-every-once-in-a-while baker can't handle.

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get together to make cookies.  Our schedules just didn't lend to it this year.  My waistline is happy, but it doesn't feel like Christmas to me until you make Christmas cookies!  Right?  Maybe I can convince my family to make cookies on Christmas.... 

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