Thursday, December 26, 2013

Grown-Up Mac and Cheese

I hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas!  I know I did!  We made some wonderful memories, and I got to make a Christmas goose!  Most of my family loved it.  I would definitely make and eat it again!  Anyway, on to today's post!

Not that I need an excuse to make plain mac and cheese, but when you add bacon, veggies, Dijon, and thyme, you get something a little more grown-up and worthy of making a few nights a month without guilt.

{Grown-Up Mac and Cheese}

{Crisping the bacon}

{Creating the sauce}

{Adding broccoli and steam for a few minutes}

{Add cooked pasta to absorb some sauce}

{Add the cheese!}

One year ago:  German Breakfast Bread

Grown-Up Mac and Cheese

Serves 4

1 pound bacon, cut into chunks
1/2 onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 can evaporated milk
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 cups veggies (any that go great with cheese like cauliflower or broccoli)
2 cups shredded cheese (your choice!)
8 oz pasta, cooked (your choice!)
  1. Cook bacon in a skillet on high until crispy.
  2. Add onion and garlic and cook until translucent.
  3. Add milk, thyme, mustard, and Worcestershire, stirring until combined.
  4. Allow to simmer for about 10 minutes or reduced by 1/4.
  5. Add veggies and cover for another 10 minutes.
  6. Add cheese and stir to melt.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  7. Add pasta and stir to combine.
  8. Serve.
Do you add anything to your mac and cheese either because you love it that way or to make it more wholesome and nutritious?

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