Monday, October 28, 2013

Beer Cheese

It's been on our family's bucket list to make a good homemade beer cheese.  What better time to do it than when our family is together?  My brother has been in town for a few weeks, and we finally made the time to make beer cheese.  I looked up a few recipes and got an idea for a recipe that didn't require processed cheese (can I just say GROSS!).  I didn't go into this thinking I would make a stellar recipe the very first time I tried, but it was an awesome surprise!

(Sorry for the lousy pictures--I didn't have my camera so my phone pictures will have to do!)

{Beer Cheese Burgers!}

{Releasing the carbonation}

{Adding the cheesy goodness!}

{Cheese is melted and spices added!}

{Kostritzer is a dark German beer available at Liquor Barn in the Import aisle.  It can be purchased in singles or 6 packs.  If you like dark beer, it's a good one to try (I even like it, and I'm not a beer drinker)}

{That would be my brother "messing up my presentation"}

One year ago:  Roasted Apple Spice Cupcakes

Beer Cheese

Makes 1.5 pounds (16 servings)

8 oz Kostritzer German beer
8 oz cream cheese
16 oz extra sharp white cheddar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
pinch of cayenne
Salt and pepper
  1. Heat beer in a saucepan to release the carbonation.  The beer will get very foamy as it does.  When you can see the beer again, the carbonation has been released, and then you can get to the adding cheese!
  2. Add cheese and whisk until completely melted.  DO NOT WALK AWAY!
  3. Remove the beer cheese from the heat, and add the remaining ingredients.
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve with pretzels, on sandwiches, with veggies, on burgers, by the spoonful directly into the mouth....  Use your imagination!!!
Does your family have a food bucket list?  Our family is pretty food-centered so I'm sure we will have plenty on our bucket list!

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