Monday, November 26, 2012

Ravioli Lasagna

Ben loves lasagna, and I love to make him happy (cheezy yes, but what can I say?).  However, lasagna is a lot of work even with most of the shortcuts.  A few weeks ago, a brilliant idea hit me: why not make lasagna with ravioli?  BINGO!!!  A new recipe was born!

{Ravioli Lasagna}

This recipe can be made with pre-made spaghetti sauce.  However, since I am still swimming in tomatoes, I made my sauce from scratch.  Otherwise, this recipe is as easy as brown beef, add sauce, layer, bake, and ENJOY!

{Easy tomato sauce--cut tomatoes and throw in a pot with olive oil, onion, garlic, parsley, and black pepper.  Simmer until sauce consistency.}

{Cheese raviolis!}

{Layering the lasagna--always start with sauce for easier clean-up!}


Ravioli Lasagna

Serves 4

1 pound ground beef
16 oz spaghetti sauce
1 cup ricotta cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
9 oz cheese raviolis
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Brown beef.
  3. Add spaghetti sauce and warm through.
  4. Mix ricotta and parmesan cheese together in a separate bowl.
  5. In an 8x8 dish, place half of sauce mixture into the bottom; top with cheese then ravioli.
  6. Repeat layers ending with sauce on the top.
  7. Bake, uncovered, for 25-30 minutes or until raviolis are done.
  8. Srinkle cheese on top and bake another 5 minutes to melt.
  9. Enjoy!
Yummy lasagna made in less than an hour!  What more could you ask for?

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