Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving: Garlic Roasted Chicken with Gravy

The crowning glory of Thanksgiving: the turkey, chicken, ham, duck, or whatever your family makes the centerpiece of the feast!  It can be intimidating, but you CAN do it!  I suggest practicing a few times a year, especially if you've never done it before.  The logistics of roasting are easy: coat the item in fat, 'bake' at a high temperature (typically above 400), and baste every 10-15 minutes for a moist product.

{Garlic Roasted Chicken with juices soon-to-become gravy!}

Roasting a chicken or turkey is easy because the 'fat' is already on them because the skin houses fat for you.  I personally love to roast meat; it gets such flavor when it roasts in its own juices (plus I have a weak spot for crispy skin!), but it does make the kitchen hot.  In the middle of summer--not ideal to say the least! 

So I made a chicken instead of turkey because it is just Ben and myself eating it, and it was a $5 whole chicken--can't beat it!  The same principle will apply to a turkey though!  Are you ready?  Let's get started!

{Lay down a beautiful bed of carrots, celery, and onion (potatoes too if you want!) with some chicken broth}

{I stuffed my chicken with garlic because roasted garlic tastes delicious without the offensive breath!}

{Chicken is stuffed!}

{Gently lay chicken on the bed and season with salt and pepper}

Garlic Roasted Chicken

Makes 2 servings


1/2 cup carrots, chopped
1/2 cup celery, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 cup chicken broth
1 pound potatoes, cubed (optional)
1-5 pound chicken
2 heads of garlic, peeled
1 tablespoon dried oregano
Butter or olive oil
  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Place carrots, celery, onion, potatoes (if using) and broth into the bottom of a roasting pan.
  3. Rinse the inside and outside of the chicken; pat dry with a paper towel.
  4. Place all garlic cloves and oregano inside the chicken cavity; place on top of vegetables in pan.
  5. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper; place lid on top of chicken.
  6. Place chicken in oven and roast until done (165 degree internal temperature), about 2 hours, basting with pan juices every 10-15 minutes. During the last 30 minutes of roasting, remove lid and place butter pats or olive oil on chicken skin to get it crispy.
  7. Let chicken stand for 10-15 minutes before serving.
Stuff the chicken/turkey with whatever you desire: stuffing or even the carrots, celery, and onion.  The main point I want to stress is to PLEASE make sure that the internal temperature of that poultry is at least 165!!!  We don't want anyone to be sick Thanksgiving weekend.....

We can't forget the GRAVY!!!  I am the official, undeniable, proud Gravy Queen in my house.  I am not ashamed to admit that I eat gravy like soup sometimes because I love it THAT much.  I am not kidding--ask my family and husband!
{Make a roux}
{Ready for the boat!}

Gravy is pretty simple too: make a roux, add the pan drippings, and let the sauce thicken!


Makes 6 servings (with me it's more like 4--if you get it before me!)

4 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups pan juices (if you don't have enough then add chicken broth until you get 2 cups)
  1. Heat butter over medium high heat.
  2. Add flour all at once whisking vigorously. When mixture thins and starts to bubble, reduce heat to low and cut back on the whisking.
  3. Cook until you smell a toasty aroma then cook 2 minutes more, stirring occasionally.
  4. Add pan juices slowly, stirring constantly.
  5. When all pan juice is added, allow the liquid to simmer (not boil) until desired thickness is reached.
I prefer thick gravy so I cook it until it's thick.  I also included the celery, onion, carrots, and garlic from the chicken because I prefer it.  If you would like a smooth gravy then you can puree it or strain those out.  I do not recommend using cornstarch to thicken sauces because it makes it hard (less stable) when you reheat it.

There you have it!  Simple and easy way to make roasted chicken/turkey and gravy!  You can do it!!!Pin It

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