Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kitchen Beauty: Face Scrub

A very simple face exfoliating scrub you can make at home only requires three ingredients which I am positive you have in your cupboards at the moment!

{Face scrub with three ingredients!}

This face scrub is gently exfoliating and easy on the skin, especially of yours is sensitive.  I do this scrub once a week, usually on the weekend when I don't need to wear make-up so my skin can breathe and relax.

{Honey, baking soda, and sugar--that's it!}

{Mix honey and baking soda together}

{Blend until smooth}

{Add sugar and mix until combined}

Face Scrub

Makes 1 mask


1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 teaspoon sugar (cornmeal or sugar in the raw can be used for a more intense scrub)
  1. Mix honey and baking soda together until smooth.
  2. Add sugar and stir to combine.
  3. Put scrub on dry face making circular motions starting at your chin and working up, concentrating on your problem areas.
  4. Rinse off with warm water, follow with toner and/or face lotion.
This scrub should be made right before use; the honey and baking soda react and will start to bubble and thicken if you wait too long.

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