Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Peanut Butter Energy Balls

I started taking professional yoga classes with my mom in February, and can I say--what was I missing?!  The classes are definitely better than doing a DVD at home, and my body and mind are loving it!  However, after class (I'm up to four a week at the moment), I am usually hungry....Like ravenous...  I have no clue as to why I am (maybe I should ask the instructor...).  So I modified the peanut butter honey truffles which utilizes the TONS of oatmeal my brother left when he came for my wedding (yes--almost 6 months later, and I am still working on it!) and some other much loved ingredients.  They are quick and easy (not processing the oats into flour), and perfect to pop in when I am leaving to stave the hungry belly.

{My verison is without coconut}

{Cool layers that were completely unintentional}

{It does take some upper body strength to mix these puppies!}

This is a great base recipe, and then you add whatever you want or have in the cupboards!  My mom made these with coconut, chocolate chips, and chia seeds (instead of flax).  Make them yours!  Use a different nut butter if you want--hmmmm almond butter, chocolate chips, and coconut....  I'm off to make them!

Peanut Butter Energy Balls

Makes 18-20 (golf ball size)


2 cups oats
1 cup peanut butter
2/3 cups honey
2 teaspoons vanilla

These balls had:
1 cup mini chocolate chips
1 cup ground flax seed
  1. Mix all ingredients together until well combined.
  2. Roll into balls.
  3. Refrigerate until set.
  4. Place in baggies and store in the fridge.
I can definitely see adding dried apples and cinnamon for the fall.  I would add dried ingredients (e.g. dried berries, etc) because the fresh would put too much moisture into the balls and would not hold together.

What do you like to snack on?

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