Thursday, June 6, 2013

Garlic and Brown Sugar Chicken

You might be able to say that I love garlic.  I even tried a garlic chocolate chip cookie one time;  that was not to be repeated.  I now draw the line at desserts, but I had to try.  Okay so maybe it's an obsession...  As in my house always has at least three heads of garlic, and we might eat about that much in a week.  What can I say?  OBSESSED!!!  Do I really have to explain why I tried this recipe for GARLIC and Brown Sugar Chicken?....

{Garlic and Brown Sugar Chicken}

{The sugar dissolves right into the vinegar and juices}

{Place chicken and sauce in crockpot for 6-8 hours}

{Thickened sauce}

{Serve over rice, rice noodles, or regular noodles and steamed vegetables}

Garlic and Brown Sugar Chicken

Serves 4

4-6 chicken breasts or thighs, skinless
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2/3 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon lime juice
8-10 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons cornstarch
Rice, noodles or rice noodles
Steamed Veggies
  1. Place chicken in crockpot.
  2. Mix sugar, vinegar, citrus juices, soy sauce, and black pepper together until combined; pour over chicken.
  3. Cook chicken for 6-8 hours on low.
  4. When chicken is done, take as much liquid from the crockpot as you can (about 2 cups)--watch out as the liquid will be hot.
  5. Pour about 1 3/4 cups of liquid into a saucepan and turn heat to medium-high.
  6. Add cornstarch to the remaining liquid until smooth.
  7. Add cornstarch mixture to the remaining liquid and bring to a boil.
  8. Stir frequently until sauce thickens.
  9. Serve chicken over starch of your choice with steamed vegetables and thickened sauce.
On a really happy note--the garlic my grandparents have planted have produced scapes!  (Think green stalk that tastes like garlic!) The garlic will be done soon and drying which means this fall, we will have some delicious home-grown garlic!!!

Blue Moon Farms is a local farmer who grows A TON of garlic (along with other produce) and is selling scapes at the Lexington Farmers Market if you want to get your hands on some.  They will work like garlic in any recipe.  Growing garlic is fairly easy, and it does not require much room to grow.  If you are interested in growing garlic, head over to Blue Moon Farms' website for more information and to buy garlic to plant.*

*Blue Moon Farms did not pay me in any way, shape or form for this shout out.  I have attended several classes, bought garlic, and spoken with the owner of the farm.  They are wonderful and helpful people who love garlic!

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