Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Brined Pork Loin Chops

This recipe almost broke us.  We made this recipe FOUR (yes that is 4) times before we got it right.  Yes, I said "we".  My hubby really loved this recipe, all except for it being extremely salty the first 3 times we attempted it.  It's simplicity kept calling us; all we needed to do was get the salt right, and we did.  Boy-oh-boy did we!!!  We both raved about this pork as we ate it.  I guess it's the sweet taste of satisifaction :o)

{Brined pork loin chops!}

{Brining infuses meat with flavors and salt is typically used in plenty!}

{Adding hot water to get the spices to release their lovely flavors}

{Adding the pork chops}

{I love glass bowls--couldn't resist the side view!}

On year ago: Lemon Bars

Brined Pork Loin Chops
adapted from Martha Stewart

Makes 4 servings

1/4 cup Kosher salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon black peppercorn
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1-2 bay leaves (depending on the size: 1 large or 2 small)
4 pork loin chops
  1. Place salt, sugar, peppercorns, coriander seeds, oregano, and bay leaves in a bowl that can withstand hot water.
  2. Heat about 1 cup of water until steaming.
  3. Pour onto spices and stir until all of the salt and sugar are dissolved.
  4. Allow to sit for 15-20 minutes or until cool.
  5. Add pork chops and fill the remainder of the container with cool water.  The pork chops need to be completely covered.
  6. Marinate for NO MORE than 12 hours.
  7. Preheat grill and grill pork chops until done, about 20 minutes.
I plan on brining some chicken with this recipe too mainly because it's just that versatile.  Have you ever tried brining?

PS--I will be on a mini-vacation on Thursday and Friday to see my best friend.  I'll be back Monday with some more delicious recipes and August's Spice It UP featured item!  Have a fantastic weekend!

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