Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday Tip: How to Roast Peppers

Roasting peppers is really easy--all you need is an open flame, peppers, tongs, a bowl and some foil.  Really that's it!  Let me show you!

Step 1: Preheat grill to high.

{Step 2: Gather your peppers and place them in a bowl}

{Step 3: Take bowl, peppers, and tongs out to the grill.  Place your peppers on the grill--yes straight on the grill} 

{Step 4: Turn the peppers as the skin blackens.  Yes you want the skin to blacken and burn; the pepper should start becoming soft and roasted}

{This is how the pepper will look when they are done}

{Step 5: Cover the peppers with foil until they are cool.  The steam helps to separate the skin from the flesh}

{Step 6: Remove the skin from the peppers (I really couldn't show it because it was very messy, but this is the end result)}

Step 7:  Use the peppers however you needed.

See?  Told you it was easy!  Roasted peppers are typically made into sauces and used in salads.  In fact, that's a recipe for tomorrow!  A salad with roasted peppers!  See how I tied that in nicely?  Come back tomorrow for a delicious and healthy salad recipe ! 

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