Tuesday, August 27, 2013

About the Town: Cookin' Up Kentucky

Welcome to a new Tuesday mini-series!  Tuesdays will switch between Tips and About the Town (whichever is available that week!) starting today.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I know that I said that I don't go out to eat often, but this year has been an exception.  I have eaten at so many fantastic places (and been back more than once!) that I felt I needed to share with my fellow Lexingtonians!  So any time I go out to eat, and the food/service is great, I'll review it on here.  I am not paid for this, and all opinions are my own!

At the farmer's market this past weekend, I walked past a food stand and saw lavander lemonade.  I love lavander but not in my food (lavander cookies--gross).  However, my mom and I decided to eat there because she was up to try the lemonade.  We ate from Cookin' Up Kentucky which utilizies local foods and is only located and open during the farmer's market.

{The menu.  I was going to get a picture of the tent, but there was a line of hungry people!}

So what did we order?  Well, the lavander lemonade, breakfast burrito, the Sandwich, and bratwurst (we are German--we know good bratwurst).

{The food}

The verdict--absolute deliciousness!!!  Even the lemonade!  We couldn't pick a favorite!  The breakfast burrito was spicy but not hot, and the flavors were interesting--I never thought of putting cilantro, lime and sour cream with a breakfast burrito!  The Sandwich had a garlic pesto aioli that we wanted to try, and with a fried green tomato and bacon--just awesome!  The bratwurst had a cabbage/apple slaw on it that we weren't sure about, but it ended up being delicious!

Do you have any local Lexington suggestions?  I'd love to hear!

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